
Licenses and Certifications

Your Partner in Secure Destruction since 1972

GreenFence, in strict compliance with Greek and International Legislation, is licensed for the collection, destruction of personal data, and recycling of paper and plastic materials with:

  1. Collection & Transport Insurance for Non-Hazardous Waste.
  2. Operating License for the Facility.
  3. Environmental Approval Conditions.

EWC Codes

The main EWC (European Waste Catalogue) codes managed by our company are:

09 01 07: For X-ray and lithographic films (Photographic film and paper containing silver or silver compounds).

20 01 01: For printed documents (paper).

20 01 10: For clothing.

20 01 11: For textiles.

20 01 36: For electronic equipment (Discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21, 20 01 22, and 20 01 35).

20 01 39: For magnetic storage media, CDs-DVDs, credit cards (plastics).

Quality Systems

As part of GreenFence’s ongoing effort to provide superior services to its customers, the company has invested in the continuous improvement of its quality, being certified with internationally recognized quality systems:

– ISO 9001:2015 for quality assurance regarding Confidential Destruction of Personal Data & WEEE Recycling.
– ISO 14001:2015 for Environmental Management.
– ISO 22301:2019 for Business Continuity.
– ISO 27001:2013 for Information Security Management.
– ISO 45001:2018 for Occupational Health and Safety.

The above certifications do not lead our team to complacency but rather to vigilance regarding the further improvement of our services, always with a focus on information security and quality assurance.
